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Interview tips

Preparation is the first essential step towards conducting a successful interview.

Remember... “If you fail to prepare you are prepared to fail”


How did you do?

If not so well, spend time preparing your answers as the above questions are common and you will be asked a fair few of the above.


What about examples of questions you can ask the interviewer?

Having a few well-thought out questions shows you are interested and that you are taking the interview seriously. You will find that on some occasions the interviewer has already answered most of them; prepare a few to ask at the end.

What sort of person is the team looking for?

How long was the last post-holder in the position?

Are any internal candidates interested in the position?

What sort of induction and training programme do you offer?

Why does the interviewer think it's a good company to work for?

Why has the position become available?

What plans has the company for future development?

What would you see as my first priority if I am appointed to this position?

Unless you're specifically asked, don't talk about salary at a first interview.


Concluding the interview

End on a positive note – Ask the interviewer if they have found out all they need about you or if there are any areas they feel you haven’t covered (this gives you a chance to cover any vital ground you/they may have missed)

Re-state your interest in the role

Enquire about the next step say that you look forward to getting their feedback.


In some circumstances you may be offered a position on the spot, it is perfectly acceptable to request for some time to think it over

If you feel that the interview did not go well, never let discouragement show. There have been many occasions where candidates have done much better than they have thought.

Always thank the interviewer for their time.


Finally, some practical interview tips.

If you're nervous, take a few deep breaths before you go in

Don't smoke just before interview, the smell of stale cigarette smoke is a definite No No.

Give a firm handshake, confident smile and maintain eye contact

Be prepared which will increase your confidence

Respond honestly to questions, make your answers concise and relevant

Think, pause, then answer

Ask questions if there's anything you don't understand

Listen to the interviewer and show interest by looking them in the eye

Don't fidget or interrupt the interviewer

Never speak in a derogative way of other people or companies. It makes you look unprofessional.

Don’t ask questions about salary, holidays, bonuses etc – We will ask those on your behalf, it looks better coming from us.